Saturday, September 16, 2006


hello ppl....well, when i read Confused Soul's blog on lame jokes and lametivity, i thought, being one of the members of GPRS, i should also contribute to this site and to the people of this site who enjoyed her blog on "lametivity".
Now you must be wondering what this GPRS stands for??? NO NO NO, GPRS doesn't stand for General Packet Radio Service in the world of lametivity...actually this is our lame club.... whose permanent members are....Pulak, Ranvir n Siddharth(thats me!!). We have become so good in cracking lame jokes that people have asked us to think seriously about making money out of this "art". Now, lame jokes are often refered to as "gande jokes" or simply "gande"!! in NUS. So coz the 3 of us hit really "gande" gande jokes, I coined this term for our club....

GPRS ---------------------------------- Gande Pulak Ranvir Siddharth

plz dont stop readin... :)
You might have heard of GPA. For those of you who can't recall, GPA (Grade Point Average) is the grading system at the Indian Institute of Technology. Now during a train journey from Kolkata to New Delhi, Pulak n Me got high with our lame jokes and thats when this GPA along with GPRS came into being. If GPRS is the club's name, GPA is our motto...

GPA ------------------------------------ Gandagi Phailao Abhiyaan!!

Sorry if u cannot understand Hindi- You just missed something really hilarious in your life :D
Then instantly, as we were laughing at the above written masterpieces,came to my mind, the names of our leaders; as in our founders!!

Bal Gandadhar Tilak _______________________ (No offence)
Mahatma Gandi ___________________________ (No offence)
Rest of the founders.......yet to be found!!!

Oh you confused people...I wish you knew Hindi!! :P
Well, long after that train journey, I decided to keep a record of all this effort by Pulak n Me. So I was writing all this on a piece of paper when the idea of our National Gandathem struck my ( ganda) mind. I thought over choosing an appropriate song for our club's Gandathem. It was "not" long (do u still wonder why?) when I came across this song which clearly defines us n our intentions....

National Gandathem ----------- Sab Ganda hai par dhanda hai ye...

You're really a loser if you don't listen to Hindi music.... ;)
So that was sort of an introduction to GPRS and some other important things about the club. But there's more(sub com members n other details) and you need to hear all that. Don't worry :), I won't annoy you any more right now. Guess you've had enough for the first time! I'll stop now, but will surely come back soon...hehe...can't help it. :)
